Sick :(
Saturday, September 22, 2012, ϟ 0 shout(s)

Yeap, by looking at this picture, you all can guess that I'm sick :(

I suddenly had fever today >< I was perfectly fine yesterday but don't know why suddenly had the fever when I woke up this morning. My whole body was FREAKING heavy and I had NO mood to do anything. I want to revise for my chemistry also cant >< Cus I cant concentrate. But I managed to write down notes for 2 chapters :) wee~~

Shall stop here for now ^^

Saturday, September 15, 2012, ϟ 0 shout(s)

Mother always scolds you, punish you etc, but most of all, she loves you.

Whenever they scold you, you, as a teenager, would feel shitty inside and start to hate. Believe me, I'm like this too  Today, my mother scolded me again, for not bathing early  So I camped inside the toilet (LOL). The only place that I can do what I want 

But, when I came out again, after eating, my mother called for me. So I went to the living room. She put out her hand and said,"Come." She started hugging me and asking me whether if everything is alright. At that time, I felt like crying. I don't know why or how that particular feeling came about.

Today I'm telling this to you, is to tell you :

Don't hate your mother, as she carried you for 9 months and brought you to this world with pain. She scolds you everyday, everytime, this shows that she cares for you, loves you and she wants you to do what is best for you and what is the correct way.

Tell her what you want to say now, before its too late.  


Friday Night! :)
Friday, August 17, 2012, ϟ 0 shout(s)

I'm back after so long! Yeap, sorry for not posting these few weeks ( or months  ) as I am very busy with school work ( and I have absolutely no idea on what to post   )

See those cute lil' faces? Yeah! New emoticons! Specially by fruchtgummi  ! Many claps for her!! She has so manyyyy cute emoticons that you can use for blogs! I'm so glad I found her in google 

Another day,another scolding from mom. 
Yeah, scolding... Got scolded for making the room messy. Yay....  Mostly sister's fault. It is her things that are making the room dirty. Mine are just books, books and more books. (Nerdy LOL)
Can never share my feelings to her. I mean, who would dare to talk back after experiencing caning with belts when young?  

Well, short post for today  

Pikachu says: !! ^^

Wednesday, April 11, 2012, ϟ 0 shout(s)

UGLY. What a strong poison it is to a humans' body. What a big word. What an UGLY word.

What hurts the most is to be called UGLY by the person you like. Well, not only you, I've been called that today. As UGLY as a spider.

But think positive! :) What goes around, comes around. They called you UGLY and they will get it in the future. So live on to see that happening to the person who called you UGLY.

-short post- :)


Weird dream...
Tuesday, February 21, 2012, ϟ 0 shout(s)

Morning everyone! :) just a quick post in the morning about a weird dream i had this morning...

A teen boy was fighting someone.... And he fought bravely before he was considered defeat.
Back in the room, as I was about to dress up his wound, the teen boy grabbed hold of my little handmaid said," <u>NAME</u>... Its ok... I'm not badly wounded, just little scratches..." So I got up and went to make a solution where it contained the sweet scent of the rose, which would help the teen boy sleep better.
As I came back into the room, i placed the bowl of rose water on the table beside his bed as i sat beside him. Before he entered into the world of darkness, he told me that I should get ready to see some blood coming out from an old wound that was a word, but could not be read as it was too old and blurry.
Not being too nosy, I remained quietcas he went into a deep slumber...
As I looked at him, a memory which I was not familiar of started kicking in, not before long, I entered into the world of memories...
Ah... It was a memory of my best friend and me when I was still not stated as a Lady. I was not the famine and lady-like kind of a daughter, not one bit! Rather, I was the boyish kind of a girl. I would practice swords fighting with my best friend and I would always win! So I was well known for being the first girl to be a swords fighter. The annoying thing was that my best friend would always complain," <u>NAME</u>!!! you would always win! Its not fair and its a disgrace to the gentlemen's generAtion!"
"then you should buck up on your swords fighting!" As weeks past, I still could win him! But one particular day, it was different. As we had a dual as usual, but he wasn't fighting me the way he used to. Instead, I easily took his sword and pointed my sword at his neck. "what's wrong? You don't fight like you normally do."
Without hesitation, he blurted out " I like you..."
And I was back in the room, but this time, the boy was crying as he repeatedly cried "I like you". Then the wound on his chest became visible. It was a phrase of "I love you" ...

OK this dream was waaaaaaaaaaaay weird than any weird dreams I have xD
Well! Gotta go now :)

posted from Bloggeroid

Sunday, January 29, 2012, ϟ 0 shout(s)

Almost every girl in my school has a boyfriend. Me? Well, no. :/ Yeah, me forever alone HAHA.

Anyhoo, what's the feeling anyway? To have a boyfriend. He follows you almost everywhere, he eats with you, he laughs with you, he jokes with you, he comforts you, he goes out with you. A boyfriend practically does anything with you!

But in my case, ITS NOTHING LIKE THAT.
Few days ago, 2 of my friends gave me a badge, an angry bird badge. To be precise, its a female red angry bird with a bow on its head. After giving it to me, they just kept laughing while telling me that I MUST use it NO. MATTER. WHAT. And, obviously, without knowing anything, just use it. What? I'm a girl who obeys anything! Well not EVERYTHING.

Later that day, a commotion started when I was packing my bag. The 2 same friends were talking to my ENEMY, CHIA. CHENG. DA.
So, being a curious girl, I walked towards them. They were also giving a badge to him. Then my friends whispered something to him that made him threw the badge back on the table and shouted that he doesn't want the badge. SOOO... I took the badge and took a look at it. Guess what? Its the matching pair of my badge, just that it is blue and a male version of the angry bird. Which means, the badges were sort of a couple badge. I. WAS. SO. OMG.. that I also threw the badge on the table and went back to my bag to take off the red badge that they gave to me. One my friend begged me not to take it off and said she "SPECIALLY" bought for us - - Well, I hate hurting/wasting people's "effort", so I continued using the badge. Then without knowing, Cheng Da already left, leaving the blue badge lying on the table.
THEN... The 2 friends started writing angry posts on papers and putting at Cheng Da's table, like "CHENG DA, YOU HAVE NO BALLS IF YOU DON'T USE THIS BADGE" or something O-o For me? I just sat there la. I don't do bullyings . Seriously.

There's SERIOUSLY nothing going on between me and him = = I only LIKE him as a friend? Brother? Since his birthday is just 2 days before mine. Which means he's 2 days older than me. ._. SO, NOTHING IS BETWEEN ME AND HIM. JUST BRO&SIS/FRIENDS. = =

Shall stop here for now :) Night everyone ^^

Sunday, January 8, 2012, ϟ 0 shout(s)

Hey! A quick post for you all!

GUESS WHAT? I finally created a tumblr! (well actually a 2nd one. 1st one is alr not in use :) well... I use it from time to time ^^) yeah TUMBLR! An OTAKU TUMBLR~ What's OTAKU? OTAKU basically means a person who likes watching and/or collects anime stuffs! :) My TUMBLR not only consists of anime stuffs, it also contain some other stuffs! E.G. nail designs? cute shirts/skirts/shorts? accessories? MANY MORE! :)

So start visiting my tumblr now!!! CLICK HERE~~

Gotta go now~ bye!!

I'm back!!! ^^
Friday, December 30, 2011, ϟ 0 shout(s)

waiting for take-off!! ^^

Hey everyone!!

So! Here I am, back from Japan, a few days ago. Lazy. Tired. And Lazy to update my blog. so, GOMENASAI. I was TIRED... Cause just after I came back, the next day I had cca, which was yesterday, and the conductor changed me from Zhong Hu to Gao Hu. Both sad and happy.

I need to sit outside, where everyone can see me if we were to perform =_=

I finally know how to play all 3 HUs: Zhong Hu, Er Hu, Gao Hu :)

So about Japan... hmmm... Lots of stuff to talk :/ So I guess I have to cut the story into small parts. SO! Today's post is the PART 1 of my 9days8nights trip to NIPPON! JAPAN! :D

Both me and my mother were very excited as we pulled our luggage to the lift. Then, suddenly, it started raining So it was quite hard on thinking how to pull the 3 luggage from the shelter to my Sister's car. Then we used the umbrella, a big one. And because it was night time, it was dark. That made me accidentally step into a small puddle of water on the grass. = = With my new shoe... .. .
And off we go to CHANGE AIRPORT~
I was using my handphone to message my Best friend while using TWITTER too! Then that made me had car sick =_=
FINALLY, we reached CHANGI AIRPORT! Terminal 3! :)))
Then we went in and went to find the tour guide. Find find find, we couldn't find, only my sister could. Then she quickly called me and my mother to come and check-in the luggage. Then she walked away :'(
Then we went airport shopping! :D
Mother bought a perfume ^^
Then, we used a computer to check on the temperature at Japan, Hokkaido. IT WAS BELOW 0 DEGREE AND SNOWING EVERYDAY! WOOTS~ Then we went to check-in and sat in the room to wait for our turn to board the aeroplane :D
FINALLY, we were able to board! yay! Our seats were 50++ and near the window. So we had to walk to the back of the plane before we reach our seats! Then we settle down, put my bag under the seat and put on the safety belt. And now, we have to wait! :)
The plane slowly moved as it took its place on the runway and... VROOOM! OFF WE GO! UP UP INTO THE SKY~

Sorry guys, I have to stop here for now :( me tired and I have CCA later on. Can't wait to play Gao Hu! And having lunch with my friends before going to CCA too! So I have to wake up early

Sayonara everyone :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011, ϟ 0 shout(s)


Sorry, This is just a quick post from me ^^ Because I'm rushing for time!!! I'm going to Japan tonight!! Yay!!! So I need to update this post and I'm off already! I will miss Singapore and you guys!!

So, JAPAN~ Yup JAPAN! I'm going to Hokkaido for 9 days :) So you'll see me in 9 days!

Opps! I really gotta go now! :( Bye everyone!!! TT

Sunday Night
Monday, December 12, 2011, ϟ 0 shout(s)

Hey everyone :) Had a good day?


I changed my blogskin again! :)
The previous blogskin was a little ... Irritating?? I don't mean any harm, just because when I click on the "Rewind" to other posts, it came back to "Welcome to my blog" and u have to click it again. U know, I'm a very lazy person, so I changed into this simple blogskin instead! I changed some of it, 10% of it? Yeah... So I'm gonna stick to this skin until... Until... Until I find other nice ones

Hmm... Don't have much time left... So I'll stop here. Cause I'm going jogging with XinYing! :) Yeah, I'm fat, so i'm trying to lose some weight before going to Japan so that I can afford to wear my jeans! They were quite tight when I wore last year to Korea = = I could not even sit down on the floor without moving there and here cause my jeans were uncomfortable. Actually they were lose, but because we need to wear another pair of long johns inside, eventually, it became.. Tight.

So! I shall say farewell now, and shall meet you all in the next post :)

new past